Founding board member
Stella Hall, FRSA, is a freelance Festival producer, working across all art forms and with a commitment to connecting people and place through culture. She co-founded the Green Room, Manchester’s first arts centre, and has worked in a number of high profile roles since, including Director, Warwick Arts Centre, Festival Director, Belfast Festival at Queen’s, Creative Director, NewcastleGateshead Initiative and Festival Director for the year-long Preston Guild 2012 for which she received an Honorary Fellowship from University of Central Lancashire.
In 2014/15 she was an inaugural ‘Canny Creative’ advising the British Council on Arts programme development and international connections in Turkey, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Alongside consultancy and mentoring of young professionals across the UK, she is Festival Director of Festival of Thrift in Redcar, which won Best Event Teesside 2017, Tourism England’s Best Event NE in 2016 and the Observer Ethical Award for Arts and Culture.
She is currently Vice Chair of Artsadmin, London. She is a Council Member of Queen Mary University, London and currently sits on the board of Rosie Kay Dance.